FlightStats Flex Sample Responses: Airports

Version: v1 (includeNewFields -- latest as of 2013/2/27)

Airport (single airport request)


Airport_response.json (json)
Airport response with a single airport
Airport_response_languageCode_zh.json (json)
Airport response with a single airport, with extendedOptions=languageCode:zh


Airport_response.xml (xml)
Airport response with a single airport
Airport_response_languageCode_zh.xml (xml)
Airport response with a single airport, with extendedOptions=languageCode:zh

Airports (multiple airports requested)


Airports_response.json (json)
Airports response with multiple airports
Airports_response_languageCode_zh.json (json)
Airports response with multiple airports, with extendedOptions=languageCode:zh


Airports_response.xml (xml)
Airports response with multiple airports
Airports_response_languageCode_zh.xml (xml)
Airports response with multiple airports, with extendedOptions=languageCode:zh